I was skeptical when my sister in law and dearest friend gave me this book. I thought to myself that I am very much aware of my identity as a woman in Christ that I don't need to know the "secrets" to capturing a man's heart. I am complete now that God wants me to be entirely His and it would be a bonus if it is His will to share me with a man who will be the physical manifestation of His love for me here on earth. And so this book sat on my shelf for a couple of years until I finally decided to read it. What made me? I needed biblical answers and real life stories apart from those of mine to share to the women whom God brought into my life. They needed answers and at times I find myself at a loss.
Never judge a book by its cover or its title for this matter. I was so wrong about this book!
The tone of the author was very straightforward, witty and oftentimes funny. Reading this book was like reading my diary. Everything I have ever felt, done and gone through within the context of "love" in the past was reflected in the pages of this book. But the most important thing I've acquired through my reading experience is this: I felt loved and valued by the only man who could ever unconditionally love me - Jesus.
Michelle McKinney Hammond will not only teach you how to capture God's best for you but most importantly, to also embrace life and live it to the fullest, whatever season you are in.
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