I was skeptical when my sister in law and dearest friend gave me this book. I thought to myself that I am very much aware of my identity as a woman in Christ that I don't need to know the "secrets" to capturing a man's heart. I am complete now that God wants me to be entirely His and it would be a bonus if it is His will to share me with a man who will be the physical manifestation of His love for me here on earth. And so this book sat on my shelf for a couple of years until I finally decided to read it. What made me? I needed biblical answers and real life stories apart from those of mine to share to the women whom God brought into my life. They needed answers and at times I find myself at a loss. Never judge a book by its cover or its title for this matter. I was so wrong about this book! The tone of the author was very straightforward, witty and oftentimes funny. Reading this book was like reading my diary. Everything I have ever felt, done and gone throu...