Are you struggling with your health, finances or relationships? I hope my story will help you find peace amidst the storm you are going through.
It’s been 7 weeks since I got discharged from the hospital. But how I got there in the first place is not a pleasant thing to reminisce.
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Discharged! Here with my mom and aunt |
I have been experiencing symptoms which led me to suspect that I had a problem with my gallbladder. However, I ignored them because I was somehow in denial and was just praying for a miracle until that fateful Wednesday night when I had to face the truth. Severe abdominal pain radiating to my spine and lower back coupled with tea-colored urine was more than enough to tell me that my condition was getting worse.
The ordeal I went through was not a joke nor was it minor in nature. I was in severe pain, my liver enzymes were deranged, liver cells were damaged due to the obstruction of a crowning stone and sludge in my common bile duct and a stone at the neck of my distended gallbladder.
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At the emergency room |
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At the emergency room with my aunts |
My doctors said that since I had a strong familial history of gallstone formation, my bile pigments were more concentrated which led to the formation of sludge and stone fragments in my common bile duct.
After spending 7 hours in the ER undergoing several tests, I was admitted and had to go through one invasive procedure (ERCP) to place a stent in my common bile duct in order to remove stones and sludge and to prevent complications during my actual surgery. I then had to undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anesthesia at 10 pm because my doctors said that we had no time to lose. A few more hours and my gallbladder would have ruptured which would lead to septicemia. My enzymes were also starting to increase threatening me with pancreatitis - I didn’t even want to think about how much more life-threatening this condition was given my situation.
I had bleeding during surgery causing me to undergo blood transfusion. I had infection. God gave me a team of seven doctors who successfully managed my condition but I bring all the glory back to Jesus who has healed me and who whispered in my heart that it’s not yet my time when in the throes of pain, I asked Him to take me in his arms just to end my suffering. During that time I really thought I would die. But no, it wasn’t my time yet. And here I am today sharing my story with you.
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With my cousin who watched over me during the blood transfusion |
Everything happened so fast and seemed surreal. I couldn’t find it in my heart to complain but I had questions in my mind. I asked God why despite being careful with my food intake, I still got this illness. I would have wanted to eat burger, fries, pizza, cakes, pastries and drink wine everyday but instead, I eat a small amount of chocolate, black rice, vegetables, fish, yogurt, almond milk and fruits with all the herbs and spices one can think of! What went wrong? What was the purpose of all these?
During my quiet time a few hours before surgery, I got my answer while reading about the Israelites crossing the read sea and being pursued by their Egyptian oppressors. (story found in the Holy Bible: Exodus 13:17 to 14:31).
Just like the Israelites, God wanted me to cross the red sea. I didn’t have to do anything because He already paved the way for me by parting the red sea. All I have to do is cross it to escape oppression, in this case, my illness.
By crossing the red sea, I had to undergo surgery while holding on to God’s promise that I am healed and I will be healed. My sickness came from the enemy who is out there to steal, kill and destroy all the blessings God has in store for me like my health.
Just before I was put into deep sleep, I surrendered everything to God’s plan. For His thoughts are higher than my thoughts and I knew that whatever happens, He was with me and I had nothing to fear. I knew that I might wake up in paradise or a few hours after, in the operating suite. Either way, I was at peace. I remembered Jesus’ words: “Father into your hands I commend my spirit.” and I added: “If it’s not yet my time Lord, please heal me. Bless my doctors and the rest of the medical team.” That was my prayer and then I passed out.
As I went through the process of healing, therein lies the evidence that God is real and He is willing and able to heal. I am also thankful to God because I had no co-morbidities like diabetes or hypertension which could have made my medical condition more complicated.
Had I been miraculously healed even before I was rushed to the hospital that horrible Wednesday night, I wouldn’t have had solid proof to show that God was with me every step of the way. Making His presence known to me through the peace and joy in my heart, my family, the medical team, my inner circle friends, my staff and even through my serene composure. My doctors were amazed at how I could still smile at them when they were expecting me to be writhing in pain.
If I did not go through this terrible condition, I would have glorified my healthy lifestyle, my profession as a dietitian for thirteen years and even all the supplements that I have been taking instead of bringing the glory back to God for giving me a healthy body. A body that could easily recover from a serious medical condition and able to live an extraordinary life after.
No amount of money and not even the best medical team in this planet can heal anyone apart from God’s blessing. It is God who equips doctors, nurses and the medical staff with skills, provide state of the art technology and it is Him who enables our bodies to positively respond to treatments.
You think God’s blessing stops with the gift of healing? Of course not. God secures our financial needs too! My hospital bill was sky high and it came at a time when my family was supposed to be mindful of every penny that we spend. We should be saving and not spending. But always remember this: If it is God’s will, it is God’s bill. A few days after I was discharged, the Lord returned to us four times the amount of what we paid for during my hospitalization. Just like that! Isn’t He amazing? He doesn’t just provide for our needs. He gives us even more than what we need.
What then is the purpose of this ordeal that I went through? It is for me to be able to share to you about God’s love and goodness. To give you hope. To encourage you to draw closer to Him when you are at a lost for solutions to your problems.
Do you need healing? Receive complete healing in Jesus’ name.
Do you need financial breakthrough? Receive abundance in Jesus’ name.
Do you need emotional healing? Receive restoration in Jesus’ name.
Do you need direction in life? Receive the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Ask Him to be your Savior and be the Lord over your life.
But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” - Exodus 14:13-14
To all of you who took time to read this, here’s my prayer for you:
May the Lord Jesus bless you and keep you. May He make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May He turn his face toward you and give you peace.
May I also ask for your prayers as I undergo another procedure on October 19, 2015 to remove the stent from my common bile duct. Thank you!
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Mom dry shampooing me day after surgery :) |
Photos from my aunts and cousins who played paparazzi.
My lengthy post ends here but I would like to express my gratitude to:
My dad and mom for providing everything that I needed. For the love and spiritual support. My mom for braving the storm and flying to Manila to take care of me.
My brother and sister-in-law for the love and prayers.Our little Noah for always putting a smile on my face through his funny antics during my confinement.
My auntie Remy who had been with me from the time I was rushed to the ER until now that i’m recuperating and going for follow up appointments with my doctors. For being my second mom when mama was still on her way to me.
My uncle rudy and auntie beth. Uncle thank you for helping mama run errands. Auntie Beth, thank you for painstakingly cleaning my butt and privy part when I was helpless. For expertly lifting me up from the bed. The agony was much bearable! For preparing yummy, healthy food for me everyday because hospital food was horrible. And for staying up all night with me at the ER.
My cousin Em for watching over me while I slept throughout the blood transfusion. Making sure I have no adverse reactions.
My cousin RJ for offering to donate his blood because I had to wait 6 hours for crossmatching.
My cousin Ryan who called me all the way from Canada while I was at the ER. Sorry I could not talk much smile emoticon
Uncle Mark and family for keeping me company on the first night of my discharge.
Tita Maggie for the softest Japanese bread and for watching over me when everyone went away. Thank you also tita for being part of the “send off party” on my way to surgery smile emoticon
My best friends Vie and Sol.My best friend Glenny and husband VJ for being my “doctors on call” smile emoticon
My assistant Baby and driver Lando who barely got to sleep all throughout my confinement.
My precious friends, Vannah, Ferdie and Michi.
My dear friends Candie and Shasha who got in touch despite the fact that they’re traveling overseas.
My dear friend Mariel and baby Mayli for making me smile while I was at the ER. California isn’t too far with today’s technology.
My dear friend Pauline for making me smile through her messages.
My dear cousin Eloisa for checking in on me all the way from LA when I was at the ER.
My dear friends Gazel and Jane who came all the way from California and Mindanao to be with me when I was recuperating.
I love you all!
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