Colorful life stories color my career life. For the past 12 years, I’ve heard countless reasons on why women want to be beautiful and sexy. Once, a client with a pretty face and Prada purse came to see me and said: “I really don’t need a dietitian. I know everything about being healthy. I read a lot.” I replied, “I understand. Please tell me why you’re here.” Then she burst into tears leaving me mortified. I grabbed a pack of tissues and just let her cry. Then she looked up and said: “I feel so ugly!” I know how it feels to be ugly. I had horrendous acne breakout I practically had to wear a wide brimmed hat to cover my face. I had fungal infection on my toe I didn’t wear open toed shoes or flip flops until it got better. I felt like my acne and toes were the only things people see in me! Beauty... a gift... an aspiration... an obsession... a burden. Movies, magazines and the media had given us unrealistic standards on beauty. Reed-thin bodies, flawless skin, fa...