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Showing posts from 2021

Purple Slippers

While in bed, a question out of nowhere was uttered by a tiny voice. "Akoh, what about your customers? They are sick, right?" Our 4-year old Miranda was concerned about my patients while I was away. And then over the weekend, I heard two tiny voices asking the same question during bedtime. Mira: "Akoh, what if you don’t go back to Manila? Can you just stay here?" Noah: "Akoh, can you not go back to Manila?" With a heavy heart I replied: “I have to go bac k and help my patients heal because they are sick. I promise to be home in November and December. Wait for me ok?” Each time I am about to leave my family behind , I think about the same question. And the answer has always been because God called me for a purpose. Many times I asked God to take me home permanently and even consulted my parents way back 2012 but God had other plans. Obedience to God gives me peace and a sense of fulfillment but I do miss my family terribly.  Praying that this pan

A tribute to my dearest Auntie Beth (Dr. Ma Lilibeth Janerol March 10, 1959 - May 4, 2021)

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.   It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.   Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.  Auntie Beth is the epitome of love. She has touched so many lives with her smile, words and actions. She would try her best to help anyone who is in need.  She always prioritizes her family. She would fight for her loved ones. Even in her deathbed, we would see her vital signs increasing whenever one of us would cry.  I still remember the first time I met her. She and Uncle Rudy were just dating back then in the early 1980’s. They brought me to SM Makati and she chose a yellow top and denim skirt for the four year old me. I felt so loved. She treated me and my brother Neil like her own. Whenever she would come home from her dental conventio

Bits of Hyun Bin's Masterpieces

I wondered whether it was the character of Captain Ri or Hyun Bin the Hallyu superstar that I admired the most. In the end, without a shadow of a doubt, it is indeed the versatile actor that I found fascinating after watching most of his K-drama and movies. Mainly because he was not limited to a particular genre or role. He could do stunts on his own. Furthermore, he doesn't need to always be in a rom com to shine.  Here's my take on his major series and roles in the order that I have watched them: K-Drama: 1. Crash Landing on You  Captain Ri Jeong Hyeok's character was flawless. He will make you swoon and fall head over heels in love. Witness his character transition from an uptight military man, to a smitten loverboy to the playful and adorable "little" Hyeoky. He was musically inclined yet had to give up his dreams of becoming a world renowned pianist.  You could feel his desperation in his relentless ways of protecting the love of his life at all costs. Having

Confessions of a single woman' s heart (CLOY Edition)

While almost everyone else was binge watching K-drama over the lockdown, I was too busy working long hours, from 6am to 12 midnight. I didn't realize that I have allowed people to overstep the boundaries of my time. I would get frantic calls from anxious patients, caregivers and whoever needs me at an ungodly hour. I would do my best to help them calm down while I was crying inside my heart.  I was emotionally, mentally and physically burned out after 8 long months. I began to resent the internet (online meetings and webinars were too much!) yet oh so grateful for it because it kept me connected to the people I love and it enabled me to work while many have unfortunately lost their jobs. It was on my birthday weekend in November 2020 that I finally had precious time to spare after months of striking a balance between taking care of my patients, remotely working for my family's businesses, ministry, coping as much as I could (because I terribly missed my family) and keeping my s