Contrary to what we were made to currently believe, North Koreans are healthier mentally despite being materially insufficient. Watch Crash Landing on You. That’s more realistic because North Korea albeit under the rule of their Supreme Leader’s family, is slowly evolving and not as secluded as they once were. The famine in the 1990’s truly happened yet surprisingly, some defectors’ reason for leaving their country isn’t because of hunger. They wanted to experience what it’s like to live in a first world country. An Egyptian company provides mobile services to about 3 million subscribers as of 2016? I forgot when this book was actually published. They get to wear blue jeans although it isn’t as widely accepted due to its association to Western culture. They get to watch Hollywood movies with Titanic’s love scene omitted. They wear Lacoste and other western brands too. However, just like any other third world countries like ours, wealth isn’t evenly distributed. Astonishingly, they don’...
While in bed, a question out of nowhere was uttered by a tiny voice. "Akoh, what about your customers? They are sick, right?" Our 4-year old Miranda was concerned about my patients while I was away. And then over the weekend, I heard two tiny voices asking the same question during bedtime. Mira: "Akoh, what if you don’t go back to Manila? Can you just stay here?" Noah: "Akoh, can you not go back to Manila?" With a heavy heart I replied: “I have to go bac k and help my patients heal because they are sick. I promise to be home in November and December. Wait for me ok?” Each time I am about to leave my family behind , I think about the same question. And the answer has always been because God called me for a purpose. Many times I asked God to take me home permanently and even consulted my parents way back 2012 but God had other plans. Obedience to God gives me peace and a sense of fulfillment but I do miss my family terribly. Praying that this pan...